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The world as one

only from the heart can you touch the sk

Planetary Collaboration is a knowledge network with the aim to promote global collaboration and capacity-building in Human Rights related practices. No matter if you are a student, if you are working in a small NGO or in a big organization, everyone is welcome to participate.


You are invited to discuss what matters to you and to share the best of your knowledge to support other colleagues worldwide. Let's break the barriers. Let's get connected.

You can leave this world a little better just because you are here.

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What we do

The Knowledge Platform is composed of three integrated and interdependent pillars. Combined, it creates an innovative approach to promote Human Rights practice in the field.​

These pillars are divided into programmes with two main goals: the integration among people; and to collect, share and promote the reuse of knowledge.​​

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Knowledge Network programmes

The 3 pillars:​

  1. Yellow pages: It is a “wiki” database presented as a catalogue of services, institutions and specialists divided by theme, geolocation and other relevant information.​

  2. Know-how: using knowledge management techniques to record good practices and lessons learned using different media, such as presentations, webinars and reports.​

  3. Know-Who: This knowledge network crown the virtuous cycle to connect specialists worldwide.​​






Knowing each other and knowing whom to turn to, the institutions and practitioners will be more capable to achieve their goals by using less time and resources.​

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Helping organizations to help themselves

Connectez-vous pour communiquer avec les membres
Suivez les autres membres et laissez des commentaires.


We are supporting people to take action according to their own reality in the field.

In many cases, they are doing duplicated work and trying to reinvent the wheel. This means spending more time and resources than needed.​

We are a multi-stakeholder platform that fosters a more accurate and productive work in the third sector worldwide.​

You can participate in sharing your knowledge and supporting other people working for the Social Good.

Become a member right now!

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Beyoncé - I Was Here (United Nations World Humanitarian Day Performance Video)

Beyoncé - I Was Here (United Nations World Humanitarian Day Performance Video)

Rue Jean-Dassier 7

1201, Genève


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